East Asian Flicks
My Vision
If you are already interested in or find yourself interested in mostly East Asian media, then this is the right place for you. This is the place for recommendations in order to jump into the genre. If you are already into the genre and are looking for further recommendations, I intend on picking some less popular movies and series from any streaming service I have and reviewing them for you. Though, you may just be visiting to read a review and see if your feelings about the particular show or movie are validated by someone else. Whatever the case may be, this will be the platform to get an honest rating from a regular old person like me. From popular to more obscure releases, my goal is to honestly review television series and movies that you may run into on your journey down the rabbit-hole of East Asian media. Each post aims to honestly review the piece of media no matter how popular, or inaccurately rated it may be on Rotten Tomatoes.
I will be sure to take into account the plot, explaining it as best as possible (without spoilers of course) to give you a sense of what you’re getting into. Sometimes, jumping into a foreign series (or at least foreign to you) is like jumping into a culture you are unfamiliar with. Plot lines can be confusing if you are caught up in memorizing characters and reading subtitles. Each review will hopefully give you a general sense of what is happening throughout the entire show or movie, so that you can better focus on watching and keeping up with what is happening. Another issue comes with the acting in a broad sense, including whether it is good or not, the level of character development, and how likable or not they are. This all includes the level of cringe that each show or movie can pass on. I will be sure to mention the possible moments that may have you squirming in your seat, trying to but unable to look away. All of this and more will be taken into account and ranked on a scale of how engrossed I am in the piece of media that I wouldn’t notice a zombie apocalypse occurring right outside my door (if there’s one thing you’ll find out on this website, it’s that I love all things zombies). Five stars being good, one star being bad.
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